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Course ID: ESGP_680
Course Name: ESGP_680: The Roadmap to a DER Platform

At a glance

Distribution power systems across the globe are facing a dramatic change in the face of increasing distributed generation, energy storage and smart grid technology deployments. As such, governments and utilities are creating distributed system operators/platforms (DSO/Ps) to significantly improve the monitoring, operation and planning of the future distribution system.

Our instructors are heavily engaged in the development of NYREV-DSP (New York Reforming the Energy Vision - Distributed System Platform) one of the leading developments to create a DSO/P. This course will cover some of the latest developments from the US and Europe. Topics such as collaborative processes to develop/design a DSO/P, architecture development, DSO/P planning, market and operational segments will be described as well as the technologies required to create a DSO/P.

Through completion of this course participants will gain an understanding from the high-level concept down to the detailed architecture.

1 Day
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) - .6
Professional Development Hours
(PDHs) - 6

Price: $1,620.00
SectionDateLocationInstructorSeatsMore Info.
2017-1On DemandWaitlist Availableview
For more information, please contact Siemens PTI Academy TD NA at 518-395-5005 or email