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Course ID: PDEC_540
Course Name: Distribution Transformers - Grounding & Protection

At a glance

To successfully deploy a smarter grid, it is essential to understand the fundamentals of what exists in today’s system. The Distribution Transformers, Grounding and Protection course discusses the practical aspects of transformer applications. This course is designed for electric utility engineers and technicians involved in distribution planning, engineering, standards, protection, and operation of the distribution system. It is also valuable to engineers involved in consulting and the design of industrial and commercial power systems.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a better understanding of the important aspects and contemporary applications of Distribution Transformers, Grounding and Protection.

3 Days
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) - 1.8 
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) - 18

Course Details
Price: $2,520.00
SectionDateLocationInstructorSeatsMore Info.
2017-1On DemandWaitlist Availableview
For more information, please contact Siemens PTI Academy TD NA at 518-395-5005 or email